Never Believe That a Few Caring People Can't Change the World. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
-Margaret Mead
We hold a monthly Lunch Line and need volunteers.
Each month, PWNP hosts a brown bag lunch for the residents of Grassroots in Howard County and Sarah’s Hope in Baltimore. The Sunday night before (usually, but not always the 3rd Sunday). We typically shoot to have 12 – 15 volunteers to assemble 150 bagged lunches.
This is a great team-building activity and we invite your sports teams, scout troops, dance teams, co-workers and more!
Location is usually at:
St Andrew’s Episcopal Church
2892 Route 97
Glenwood, MD.
Download information below:

We have a wish list of items that we need to help others.
Check our calendar to see the next upcoming drive. If you would like to donate or volunteer please email us at
- Thanksgiving / Cold Medicine& Blanket Drive: To help our shelters prepare for the increased number of people needing a safe, warm place when the weather is cold, PWNP collects blankets from the community. Preferred blankets are full size and are available to drop off at given points.
- Fostering Futures Holiday Surprises: Each holiday season we remember children in the foster care system by providing Voices for Children/ CASA with nice gifts that help them celebrate the season just like other kids.
- The Valentine’s Day Chocolate Box Challenge: After the holiday season giving subsides, shelters notoriously run low on basic toiletry supplies like body wash, shampoo and feminine products. PWNP takes this time to do a community drive to gather these essential supplies. In addition to basic needs, we add a meaningful touch to support emotional needs and surprise shelter residents with chocolate boxes on Valentine’s Day to spread hope and joy .
- Mother’s Day Surprises: On Mother’s Day, each mom in the shelter is given a manicure (with tip included) and a goodie bag to remind them how special they are and how much their job as a mom is valued. This is an unexpected surprise which is made all the more sweet with a person note from a mom to a mom.
- Graduation Gifts: As our Fostering Futures kids transition to adulthood and graduate, PWNP likes to send them into their bright future with a gift to use on essential items.